
implant beausourire

Dentistry implants are not new to dentistry; in fact the Mayans and the Chinese were already trying to replace lost teeth in 3000 BC by hammering foreign objects into the jawbone. It was in 1980 that titanium emerged in dentistry. Today, the implantology success rate is very high provided that the quality and quantity of residual bone are adequate. If a tooth is extracted, an implant should be placed immediately for the…

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Bridges & Crowns

CrownsIn more complicated cases of aesthetic treatments or major tooth structure destruction, such as after a root canal, we install a crown on the tooth to restore its integrity and its initial strength. The preparation of the tooth is more important than in the case of a veneer, but we…

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Any missing tooth should be replaced as soon as possible to: better share the stress of masticationavoid tooth migrationhelp with diction.When the number of missing teeth becomes more significant, we can use different types of prostheses (fixed or removable, partial or complete) to restore function. A complete denture is used in…

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Gum Treatments

Healthy gumsBeginning of bone destructionAdvanced stage of bone destruction, tooth mobility, destruction of the ligaments.  GingivitisThere are several phases of gum disease, the first is called gingivitis. Normally, healthy gums do not bleed. You probably know what plaque is and you know that we should not keep it on the…

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Why do we remove wisdom teeth?There are many elements that come into play when evaluating the need for the extraction of wisdom teeth. Among the most important are:Lack of spacePressure on the surrounding teeth and displacement of teethInfections or recurrent inflammationsCysts or tumorsPainThe patient’s ageThe position of the toothThe patient’s health… In some cases, the extraction of wisdom teeth is not always required. We…

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Root Canals

We must first explain what a root canal treatment is. It’s simply removing the nerve of the tooth, the disinfection and sealing of canals. All this can be done in one or two sessions without feeling any pain. Normally, root canals are not painful. The patient has an emergency appointment…

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 Orthodontic treatments can be divided into three distinct phases:Interception and treatment of decompensation: this step is to correct oral habits, maintain space for permanent teeth and make a palatal expansion to correct the lack of space or to extract teeth. These treatments are not necessary for all patients; we begin this phase at the age of 7-8 years old, only in patients who require correction of the dento-alveolar relation which could lessen the need of skeletal correction.Orthopedic treatments: for the alteration of the skeletal environment, it is the…

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Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a thin layer of porcelain bonded to the outer surface of the teeth, much like an artificial nail. Made from extremely hard porcelain, after bonding they become very tough and can mask most imperfections of the teeth so the patient can obtain a radiant smile. Whether they…

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Cosmetic Dentistry

In today’s society, general appearance and especially a great smile have become the starting point of all meetings, whether professional or personal. The high demand for a healthy looking smile has brought new techniques and improvements to create new aesthetic solutions to help modify and improve the smile.What is “cosmetic…

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Home Whitening Who doesn’t want to have brighter teeth and a beautiful smile? Nowadays, it only takes two 15-minute long appointments to have whiter teeth. You will have customized retainers containing Rembrandt bleaching gel that you will use for 15 minutes every day for 2 weeks in the comfort of your…

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